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Panguitch Utah
Event Date
Quilt Walk Festival Our 7th Annual Quilt Walk Festival will feature more quilting and heritage item classes, quilt show, heritage craft fair, Dinner Theater, Pioneer Home Tour and SASS Cowboy Action Shoot. Visit the website for details! June 9-11, 2005
Panguitch Valley Balloon Rally Our 4th Annual Chariots in the Sky hot air balloon Festival features 30 hot air balloons ascending each morning at 6:00 a.m. Saturday includes live entertainment downtown beginning at noon and the day concludes with an evening glow on Main Street beginning at dusk. Visit the website for details! June 24-26, 2005
4th of July Celebration A regular "Home Town" celebration that includes:
7:00 a.m.
Pancake Breakfast, Zions Bank Park
10:00 a.m.
Youth Parade, Center and Main Street
12:00 p.m.
Barbecue Dinner, City Park
2:00 p.m.
Children's Games, City Park
7:00 p.m.
FFA Youth Rodeo, Triple C Arena
9:00 p.m.
Dance, County Fair Building
Fireworks - County Fairgrounds
July 4, 2005
Big Fish Fiddlers Festival Come jam with the Utah Old Time Fiddlers and enjoy a Taste of Panguitch. Performances nightly at the Panguitch Social Hall. July 14-15, 2005
Pioneer Days Celebration Celebrate Utah's Pioneer Days in a with the Utah Pioneers themselves. Festivities include:
7:00 a.m.
Pancake Breakfast, Zions Bank Park
10:00 a.m.
Parade, Center and Main Street
11:00 a.m.
DUP Program, Stake Center
12:00 p.m.
Barbecue Dinner, County Fair Building
2:00 p.m.
Children's Races, City Park
7:00 p.m.
High School Invitational Rodeo, Triple C Arena
9:00 p.m.
Dance, County Fair Building
July 24, 2005

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Our award winning Baseball Complex
can accommodate your event, too! Visit the link to obtain more details on holding your sporting event here.

Event Date
Ice Breakers Baseball Tournament Baseball Complex. Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details May 6-7, 2005
Pat Dix Invitational Tournament Baseball Complex. Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details May 17-18, 2005
Ice Breakers Baseball Tournament Baseball Complex. Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details May 20-21, 2005
Cal Ripken & Babe Ruth Baseball Tournaments Baseball Complex. Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details July
Pacific Southwest Regional Babe Ruth Tournament Baseball Complex. Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details August 2-8, 2005
Grand Slam Varsity High School Baseball Tournament Baseball Complex. Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details August 12-13, 2005
JV Fall Classical Baseball Tournament Baseball Complex. Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details September

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Visit our Triple "C" Arena
and let us host your event or conference!

Event Date
Load Em in the Dark Team Roping Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details April 22-24, 2005
Cowboys Ain't Dead Yet Cowboy poetry, western music, horse extravaganza, art show, and Bar J Wranglers concert. Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details April 28-30, 2005
Carnival & Yard Sale Children's carnival featuring fun rides in conjunction with a community yard sale to benefit Panguitch Main Street. Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details May 13-14, 2005
Senior Pro Rodeo Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details May 20-21, 2005
Team Sorting Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details May 27-30, 2005
4D Barrel Race Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details June 9-11, 2005
BMW Bike Rally Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details June 16-18, 2005
Battle of the Bulls Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details June 23, 2005
Livestock Show Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details June 24-25, 2005
FFA Youth Rodeo Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details July 4, 2005
4th of July Celebration Parade, barbecue dinner, rodeo and fireworks. Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details July 4, 2005
Horse Races Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details July 9, 2005
Load Em in the Dark Team Roping Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details July 15-17, 2005
Panguitch High School Invitational Rodeo Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details July 20-23, 2005
Panguitch Homecoming Breakfast, parade, DUP program, barbecue lunch, rodeo and fireworks. Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details July 23, 2005
National Horse Show Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details July 28-30, 2005
4D Barrel Race Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details August 5-7, 2005
High School Rodeo Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details August 12-13, 2005
Garfield County Fair Livestock exhibits, pet show, dinner, fish grab and concert. Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details August 18-20, 2005
Demolition Derby Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details August 20, 2005
Team Sorting Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details August 26-27, 2005
Desperado Dual Endurance bicycle rally. Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details August 26-27, 2005
Little Britches Rodeo Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details September 2-5, 2005
Southern Utah Reigning Association Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details September 17, 2005
Motoguzzi Bike Rally Motorcycle rally. Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details September 23-25, 2005
Triple T Team Roping Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details October 28-29, 2005
Craft Fair Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details November 12, 2005
Wrestling Tournament Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details December 2-3, 2005
New Year's Eve Party Contact the Triple "C" Arena by phone 435.676.8949 for more details December 31, 2005

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Event Date
Red Rock Rendezvous A gathering of BMW bikers with a Beer Garden and Live Entertainment. Garfield County Fairgrounds Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details June 2005
Horse Races Garfield County Fairgrounds     An annual event, come to the races and have a "gay ol' time" Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details July 2005
Garfield County Fair Rides for the Kids, 4-H exhibits, adult exhibits, commercial exhibits, livestock exhibits, carnival fare, rodeo competition and much more. Contact the Garfield County Travel Council for more details August 2005
Deer Hunter's Ball Kick off the opening of the deer hunt at the annual Deer Hunter's Ball. Live music for your entertainment and prize drawings. Social Hall opens at 9:00 p.m. Contact Panguitch City by e-mail or phone 435.676.8585 for more details October 20, 2005
Christmas Craft Fair Wonderful Christmas decorations and gift ideas available to you. Free admission at the Garfield County Fair Building from 10a.m. to 4p.m.. For information on setting up a booth contact Mandy Soper at 435.676.2261 or e-mail Joanne Savage at [email protected] November 12, 2005
Christmas in the Country A Christmas to remember. A visit from Santa and musical caroling to kick off the holiday (held at the Panguitch Social Hall). Weekly drawings for Panguitch Bucks and Prizes held Dec. 4, 11 and 18. Annual Christmas Home Tour to benefit Sub for Santa. e-mail the Panguitch Main Street office for more details. December 3, 2005