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Current Events

Panguitch City Council is held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month

Events may change
Watch for details as the events get closer
Panguitch City Office Phone # 435-676-8585

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October 7 th - 8 th - 4H Working Ranch Horse - Triple C Arena

October 26th at 1:00 pm, Panguitch Senior Citizen Center
“Medicare Open Enrollment Event at the Senior Citizen Center”

Are you new to Medicare or do you find Medicare confusing? Do you need to make a change in your Medicare coverage? Join us for a Medicare Open Enrollment Event on October 26th at 1:00 pm at the Panguitch Senior Citizen Center. Let a Medicare expert walk you through the process of enrolling or changing your Medicare plan. For more information, contact the Volunteer Center of Iron County at (435)867-8384


November 12 th - Craft Fair - Location to be arranged


December 2 nd - 3 rd - Wrestling Tournament - Triple C Arena

December 3 rd - Christmas in the Country

- Santa Claus

- Home Tour

December 3 rd, 10 th, & 17 th, 24 th - Merchant Drawing - Social Hall

December 31 st - New Year’s Eve Party - Triple C Arena

No events will be held in the Fair Building